Lákesis Store



Arts & Crafts

Product Design

Cut Tools



Brand Identity



Lákesis is a store specializing in scissors high-end from multiple sectors. We seek the vision of decontextualizing the product and promote it as if it were a cosmetic.

Lákesis is supported by a graphic line full of minimalism and chromatic coherence by product category. It is also supported by a website promoting the different ranges of scissors offered.

The Fates are the personification of destiny. Initially, all being human had his moira, but then the concept becomes more abstract and become a divinity female. 

His character is totally impersonal and inflexible as the concept that the Greeks had of destiny. after the epic Homeric (The Iliad and The Odyssey) institutionalizes the idea of three Fates: Atropus, Clotho and Lachesis.

Your function is to regulate the life of each mortal, from birth to his death, with the help of a thread that The first spun, the second rolled, and the third cut when it arrived the end of that existence. They are the ones that prevent a god intervene in battle, to avoid the death of a mortal, when this is already your destiny. The Fates are daughters of Zeus (god of the gods) and Themis (goddess of Ley) and sisters of Las Horas. According to another tradition, they were daughters of La Night, like Las Ceres, so belonged to the first generation divine.

In this case, they would be titans (from the generation of the Titans). They can be seen in conjunction with Illithia which is the incarnation of birth or with Tique which is the same. In Rome, they are equivalent to the Fates, with the variation that one presides over the birth, another marriage and another death. also known Like the Three Fairies.